Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Welcome to my new blog! I hope you enjoy it as it takes form.

Why Italy?

My family is a mix of multiple ethnic and cultural backgrounds, but the one that was most prominent in our household came from my maternal grandmother. Her parents made the trek from Italy to America for a better life for their children, and while my great-grandfather Antonio embraced everything about America, my great-grandmother Teresa did not. She went so far as to refuse to speak English most of the time. She missed Italy deeply. But despite her heartfelt ties to their hometown of Alanno of the Pescara province of Abruzzo, their five daughters married American men and carried on few of their parents' Italian traditions. Even my grandmother cooked few Italian dishes and remembered virtually none of the Italian language as she grew older.

Nevertheless, my grandmother, Rose, was Italian at her core. She and her sisters displayed the typical dark Italian facial features and curved noses, loud laughs and sly humor. And they did sometimes talk about their parents, Antonio and Teresa Sciarrelli. 

My trips to Italy in the past have felt like times to experience a country that always felt close to my heart. And while there, I felt comfortable, as if I belonged. As soon as I left, I wanted to return.

I have yet to visit Pescara, the surrounding cities, or even any town in Abruzzo, but I plan to explore it in the not-so-distant future.

For now, I am learning about the Italian culture and slowly learning the language. And as a part of my efforts to become more familiar with the country, I have begun to follow some news from Italy, which I will share here as frequently as possible.

Thanks for joining me in this journey!

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